Reiki Consultations.


Reiki is a Japanese hands-on healing system for channelling energy. It directly translates to ‘life force energy’. As we move through life and difficult situations this life force energy can become blocked and depleted which can lead to diminished function of the organs and tissues of the body. 

Reiki works alongside the bodies own natural energetic system to charge and raise the energy vibration and clear these energetic pathways of blockages. 

Reiki treatments are a peaceful quiet time to focus and meditate while you are being worked on which is why I will often play meditations or sound healing during your treatment to elevate your feeling of healing and relaxation. 

Reiki has been a powerful tool in my life and it has been a joy to pass this on to my clients in clinic. It is a simple and safe healing system that can empower and enhance your life and help to relieve the symptoms of trauma and anxiety.