Nettle Seed Truffles

It’s easier than you think to incorporate wild foods into your diet and into things that you may already make. Here’s a very quick and simple raw truffle recipe that never fails. I like to use nettle seeds that I’ve picked and dried myself as an alternative to expensive and exotic seeds and superfoods that are available in the supermarkets. Simple swaps like this are a great way to start incorporating more nutritious wild foods into your daily routine.

Nettle seeds are little bombs of nutrition. They’re rich in fatty acids, amino acids, silica, vitamins A & C and lots of Iron. Best of all they grow in abundance all around us. Nettles go to seed in August/September and the seeds are at their best when they’re green and drooping heavily from the stem. Dry out your seeds and then push them through a sieve to remove the outer husk. They are best stored in the fridge for maximum freshness.

nettle seed truffle raw chocolate date


  • 250g Medjool* dates

  • 2 tbsp dessicated coconut

  • 1 tsp coconut oil

  • 2 heaped tbsp cacao powder

  • A pinch of salt

  • Nettle seeds to roll


  • Throw all of your ingredients in a high speed food processor or blender and whizz until everything is creamy smooth. You may need to stop and start your food processor to push the mix closer to the blades a few times.

  • Take your mix out of the blender and mould them into little balls using the palms of your hands.

  • Roll each truffle individually on a plate of nettle seeds until coated.

  • Pop your truffles into the fridge for 30 minutes to get a nice firm consistency before eating.

*If you don’t have access to medjool dates regular dates will work just fine if you soak them in a small bowl of water for about 30 minutes before making.


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